Artist-composers making music in collaboration with GenAI.


Musician, producer, composer, author, interpreter. 
Bordeaux, France.

DeLaurentis, a visionary artist, seamlessly merges electronic and cinematic elements in her audiovisual projects. Influenced by Brian Eno and Laurie Anderson, her 2023 release, "Classical Variations Vol.2," reimagines French classical pieces with electronic flair. Her debut album, featuring the digital entity Unica, encapsulates the intimate bond between the artist and her machines. Collaborating with Sony CSL and the French Institute IRCAM, she explores the emotional connection between creators and machines in her audiovisual narratives. In her side project AVORIAZ, she excels in harmonizing electronic music and A.I., showcasing her as a trailblazer in the evolving landscape of audiovisual innovation.

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